It wasn't too long ago that the Western Cape was experiencing one of the worst droughts in decades. Along with that drought, came major water restrictions for residents (and visitors) of this beautiful province. However, judging by the pictures from one of our recent guests, the winter rains have been kind and we see a very full Bot River and lagoon.
The water is flowing fast and strong, so where the walkway bridge down to the beach was just a trickle a few months ago, we now see the water moving vigorously into the main vlei and many varieties of birds floating on the water or hunting for small fish. We've even heard reports of the flamingos making their return to the lagoon! Will definitely keep an eye out for them and be ready to snap a picture.
It's not long until spring is here and we can already see the signs of the flowers getting ready to put on a show.
Take a look at these breathtaking views of the lagoon and estuary with Kleinmond, Betty's Bay and the mountains in the distance. Let's hope that we'll soon see a natural breach of the lagoon mouth!